1. ORDERS What type of the letter is used for? This book order type uses a private or non formal booking type, where the type of letter uses free or non-standard sentences and is relaxed. Jenis surat apa yang digunakan? Jenis pesanan buku ini menggunakan jenis pemesanan pribadi atau non formal, di mana jenis hurufnya menggunakan kalimat bebas atau tidak standar dan santai. 2. ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT What type of the letter is used for? The type of letter is an official letter, in which the return letter against the book company to the costumer using effective sentences such as simple, concise, clear, polite and interesting. And the official letter is usually made by the agency of the company. Jenis surat apa yang digunakan? Jenis surat tersebut adalah surat resmi, dimana surat balasan terhadap perusahaan buku kepada costumer menggunakan kalimat yang efektif sep...